Stack OverflowNaive Algorithms
[+1] [1] crypto
[2010-11-10 18:49:30]
[ algorithm language-agnostic ]

Possible Duplicate:
What's the best example of a “naive implementation”? [1]

What is the exact criteria for classifying an algorithm as "naive"?

Way too broad and will vary from algorithm to algorithm... - Austin Salonen
(3) There are no "exact" criteria; most English words have vague definitions and "naive" is not an exception. Loosely "naive algorithm" means the first idea that pops into most people's (that give thought the problem and have the capacity to) heads. These tend to be simple algorithms that are easy to come up with and implement. - Jason
(1) @Jason: I think that's an excellent answer. The fact that there are no exact criteria does not make this question subjective or argumentative IMHO. - j_random_hacker
(2) @j_random_hacker: Agreed, there's no option to close as "question is based on a false premise". Which is probably just as well, since half the questions on here have some kind of misunderstanding driving them, that's why people have to ask ;-) - Steve Jessop
(3) "Not as good as the one in my paper by a factor which justifies the continuation of my research grant" is a common meaning. - Pete Kirkham
(2) WHile I not positive that it is a duplicate, I think that What's the best example of a “naive implementation”? answers this question very well. - dmckee
@dmckee, If you are not positive about it being an exact duplicate, why would you vote to close it as "exact duplicate"? - crypto
(1) @Kedar: Because if the answers to other question really cover it, that's close enough. But convince me I'm wrong and I will vote to reopen. - dmckee
[+2] [2010-11-10 18:51:08] jon_darkstar [ACCEPTED]

The most straightforward and immediately noticeable solution. Generally brute force, or at least well less efficient than it could be.

Naive algorithms do not have to be brute force, and not all brute force algorithms are naive. - Jason
(2) @Jason: That's why the answer says "generally". - 0xA3