Server FaultShould Git be used for documentation and project management? Should the code be in a separate repository?
[+13] [0] EmpireJones
[2011-06-17 06:36:51]
[ git version-control project-management revision-control ]

I'm starting up a Git repository for a group project. Does it make sense to store documents in the same Git repository as code - it seems like this conflicts with the nature of the git revision flow.

Here is a summary of my question(s):

Thanks for the feedback so far!

Ah, okay... thanks for the clarification. I don't see why it would be a problem, but I don't have any personal experience with GIT (just a theoretical understanding), so I'll let someone with more direct experience answer that question. - Flimzy
(1) I don't quite see how this is on topic. You're talking about software documentation and committing with a DVCS - Tim Post