PhotographyDoes camera flash really destroy art?
[+17] [0] Hallaghan
[2011-09-21 09:31:38]
[ flash art ]

This is a question which is highly discussed on the internet but I've been researching for a long time and I've never found any scientific proof backing this up.

It's known (or at least spoken of) that intense light creates an effect called Photo-Synthesis, which makes colors like red fade away and turns white into yellow or brown, as can be seen on many items from our daily life.

Every museum containing ancient art forbids the use of Flash when taking photographs or even forbids photographs at all but some people claim this is just a rumour or an habit that has been passed down from generation to generation of museum keepers.

So is it true that flash hurts art or is it only a myth? Scientific backup is much appreciated in this discussion.

(1) This question is perfectly valid for photography in the context of photography, but I think it would be more appropriate on Skeptics.SE - zzzzBov
(3) Even so, it feels more appropriate here because that makes sure that the ones replying know about photography and have some experience in it. - Hallaghan
(2) If your question was "Does camera flash really destroy (printed) photographs?" or something similar, I'd say it was spot-on for Photography.SE, but because you're asking about Art in general, I think it's better suited for Skeptics.SE. Paintings are not on-topic for Photography, nor are sculptures, each react differently to flash. Skeptics also has the advantage that they regularly provide high-quality sources. - zzzzBov
To that point, I agree with you. If someone who can and feels it is legitimate to move this topic to Skeptics.SE, please do so. Do questions keep the answers already given when moved? I find some answers here very on-topic and they should be kept. - Hallaghan
(1) Moving a question preserves the answers. I see it all the time between SO and Programmers.SE. - zzzzBov
(1) Strangely, 'no flash photography' is a very helpful policy. Have you ever tried to shoot art somewhere where it is allowed? You can't get a good shot! Why? Because all your photos have a picture of someone else's flash reflecting on the artwork. - Itai